How can I change MX for my domain name?

Go to cPanel: click "Mail" - "MX entry", choose "Remote Mail Exchanger". Click "Add New Record" add MX and it's priority. The lower the priority - the more important the record is.

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How do I set up DKIM and SPF?

You can do that at cPanel - "Email" - "Email Authentication".

How much of the disk quota is allocated for mail?

Your website content includes mail. It’s up to you how much space is used for mail. 100% if you...

How do I create my mailbox?

Go to cPanel - "Mail" - "Email accounts". Complete all of the fields and click “create account”...

When sending email I receive an error message.

This means that there is a problem with the recipient’s email address. The message will explain...

How can I change the password for my mailbox?

Go to cPanel - "Mail" - "Email accounts"   Find the mailbox you need and click "Password"....