How do I set up DKIM and SPF?

You can do that at cPanel - "Email" - "Email Authentication".

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How can I change MX for my domain name?

Go to cPanel: click "Mail" - "MX entry", choose "Remote Mail Exchanger". Click "Add New Record"...

How can I Read my mail online (web-mail)

In order to have access to your personal email from any computer, you have to use one of the...

How can I change the password for my mailbox?

Go to cPanel - "Mail" - "Email accounts"   Find the mailbox you need and click "Password"....

I can send mail but am unable to receive any.

This is probably due to your quota being full. You will need to delete some of your mail to make...

Email error messages

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 550 ... User unknown)...