I changed my DNS server an hour ago but nothing has happened.

It takes from 12 - 48 hours for this to be done, you have to be patient.

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How to Order Dedicated IP and SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates provide a secure encrypted connection between a browser and a server. The SSL...

How Do I Add DKIM Records to my DNS?

Go to cPanel to Email section, click Authenticanion link. If the DKM is enabled but DNS record...

Where can I change files or folders permissions?

Permissions can be changed at cPanel - "File Manager" - select files/folder - click "Change...

How to Edit Files in cPanel?

Go to cPanel, open "Files Manager", select file and click "Edit" for common files or "HTML...

Installing CMS using the autoinstaller

Go to cPanel -> Softaculous Apps Installer    Press “Install Now” to install Wordpress...