How Can I Create a Subdomain?

Go to сPanel, open "Domains", choose the "Subdomains" link, choose one of domains and type in the subdomain name. It will automatically create a folder for the subdomain in your public_html folder. To change the directory click the "create" button.

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Which mysql server should be written in the configuration files?

Pleas use "localhost".

Show hidden files.

Go to File Manager and choose “Settings”:   Choose "Show hidden files" and press "Save":

Where can I change my cPanel password?

You can do that in the customer area, go to "Services" - "My services" - "View details" - "Change...

How Can I Create a Database?

To create a database go to cPanel - "Databases" - "MySQL Databases". Type in the database name...

I have registered for your hosting and have my own domain name. What do I need to do now?

You should transfer your domain name to our DNS servers:,...