How can the cPanel language be changed?

Go to «Preferences» → «Change Language».

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What is the channel width of the virtual hosting server?

The width of each server channel is 1 Gbit per second.

Where can I change my cPanel password?

You can do that in the customer area, go to "Services" - "My services" - "View details" - "Change...

How to Edit Files in cPanel?

Go to cPanel, open "Files Manager", select file and click "Edit" for common files or "HTML...

How Can I Create a Subdomain?

Go to сPanel, open "Domains", choose the "Subdomains" link, choose one of domains and type in the...

I changed my DNS server an hour ago but nothing has happened.

It takes from 12 - 48 hours for this to be done, you have to be patient.