What is the channel width of the virtual hosting server?

The width of each server channel is 1 Gbit per second.

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How Can I Create a Database?

To create a database go to cPanel - "Databases" - "MySQL Databases". Type in the database name...

How to Order Dedicated IP and SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates provide a secure encrypted connection between a browser and a server. The SSL...

How Can I Edit php.ini Using SSH (putty)?

Connect to the server using SSH. launch Putty. For example, Host Name: host17.sherlockhost.co.uk,...

I changed my DNS server an hour ago but nothing has happened.

It takes from 12 - 48 hours for this to be done, you have to be patient.

How to Create Email Accounts in cPanel

First, you need to login to cPanel and click on the Email Accounts icon located in the MAIL...