Does Sherlockhost use Spam filters?

Yes, we use the Spam filter called SpamAssassin. This is effective and is based on key components including the evaluation service of the spam, the transport agent, and template database.

Based on a series of templates, SpamAssassin evaluates each email based "values" and correlates it with initial spam templates.

If the message successfully passes the filters, its "value" is automatically added to the template.

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اقرأ أيضاً :

Where are your servers located?

Our servers are located in Germany, Netherlands, England, Russia, Ukraine.

Is there a space limitation on the hard drive?

No, according to Sherlockhost’s Service Agreement there are no restrictions on web space.

Does your Shared Hosting service provide Control Panels?

Yes, we offer cPanel - it is a user-friendly management tool for shared hosting accounts.

How can I contact technical support for Sherlockhost?

 The operating hours and contact information for tech support may be found on our “Contact” page.

Are there any bandwidth limitations?

Sherlockhost offers unlimited hosting. There are no bandwidth restrictions. Restrictions exist...