Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress

At first be sure that you’re not running plugins, that you don’t need and which may make your wordpress slower. Try to use as little plugins as possible as they can increase page loads time.

Then update all plugins and CMS itself to the latest versions. Then install all “must have” plugins:

  1. Image Compression and Optimization plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit or https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ Both plugins work with images perfectly.

  2. Super Cache Plugin https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/ It doesn't require special settings, just activate and run it. Install this plugin with the Cache Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins-wp/autoptimize/ After running these two plugins check how the site works.

  3. Database optimization plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins-wp/wp-optimize/ It is one of the plugins that you shouldn’t leave active. Disable it right after usage.

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