How to Change PHP Version in cPanel

1. Log into cPanel. Click the Select PHP Version button in the Software section

2. Select the version of PHP you want to use from the dropdown and check off the necessary module. Click the Save button to save your php configuration.

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What are the settings for an FTP-connection?

Go to cPanel "Files" - "FTP-accounts". Go to the "Special FTP Accounts" table where you will be...

How to Change memory_limit

1. Log into cPanel. Click the Select PHP Version button in the Software section 2. Press Switch...

I changed my DNS server an hour ago but nothing has happened.

It takes from 12 - 48 hours for this to be done, you have to be patient.

Show hidden files.

Go to File Manager and choose “Settings”:   Choose "Show hidden files" and press "Save":

What is the channel width of the virtual hosting server?

The width of each server channel is 1 Gbit per second.